Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!

We had a great Christmas with Mom Emery; now we're ringing in 2005 with Mom and Dad Holly. We went to see the movie "The Incredibles", which was awesome, and we're going to shoot off some fireworks this evening. Hopefully tomorrow we'll get to go see the movie "A Series of Unfortunate Events" (we're trying to catch up!), then we'll make tacos to celebrate the New Year.

We hope you are enjoying the whole holiday season, and wish you and yours a Happy New Year!

Friday, December 24, 2004

Merry Christmas!

Well, the day is finally here - Christmas! We've had a great (albeit fast) season getting ready, and we've enjoyed doing things for others as well as buying gifts for each other and our families. We hope you are having a great time celebrating Jesus' birthday and are looking forward to 2005!

We had a good time video-chatting with my brother out in in California today. He bought web cams for me, my Dad, and himself about 3 years ago with the idea that we could use them as video phone to keep on touch, but the company stopped offering it's connection service about 2 years ago. We kind of let it slide until he moved out to California; because of the distance and lack of ability to visit he started talking about the web cams again, so I started searching for a way for us to use them. The simplest way I found was the Eyeball video chat client - it was an easy install and worked really well today. A very nice way to celebrate Cmas with far-flung family and friends! (Send me an e-mail if you're curious or want to vchat! :-)

Anyways, we hope you have had a Merry Christmas! Check out our update letter if you have a couple of minutes. Take care!

Friday, December 17, 2004

Christmas is almost here!

Well, Christmas is almost here and we're at full speed. The kids's Winter Break begins now, so they are excited about sleeping in, watching tv, and not having to worry about homework. Sue and I are almost ready for 12/25, but we still have a lot of wrapping to do. Mom Emery will be coming up in a few days to spend Christmas with us, which should be a lot of fun! We hope you are enjoying the "Holly-day" season and are thinking about the wonderful Gift that is the Reason for the Season -- Jesus! Have fun!

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Thanksgiving was fun

We had a good drive to Florida, and enjoyed seeing family and friends during Thanksgiving Day diner at my parents' house. After the cleanup was done we went to Gatorland in Orlando with my parents and my brother's family. Everybody enjoyed seeing the gators up close, and they had some good demonstration shows - one guy even got cut by a gator's tooth during the show!

We enjoyed an afternoon with Mark and Mary, and got to go out on a 'date' with Michael and Claudia, and had fun at breakfast with Karen and Mark. Thanks, everyone, for making it such a great visit!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Thanksgiving is approaching...

We've been having fun rushing toward the holidays. Basketball, gymnastics, Boy Scouts, pre-school, and our own activities keep Sue and I extremely busy. But we're enjoying everything for the most part. Church has gotten weird with staff changes and direction of effort changing, but we're hanging on as stuff happens.

We were glad to hear that Nancy had a good mission trip to Mexico, and we're looking forward to seeing Mom Emery, Mom and Dad, Michael and Claudia, and everyone else over the Thanksgiving holiday. We'll be praying that all our friends and family are kept safe and reminded of God's love over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Give us a call, e-mail, or visit if you get the chance!

Friday, October 29, 2004

Halloween in McDonough

Boo! We are hoping to have lots of fun this weekend as we celebrate harvest season (no, actually halloween!). Sue and the kids will be going to a halloween thing at Zoo Atlanta, then all of us will go to the harvest celebration at church, and then have a great day of worship and trick-or-treating on Sunday! Hope you enjoy the fun of the weekend...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Basketball and Gymnastics are underway!

Well, Megan started gymnastics last week, and is loving it --
she runs around practicing one-handed cartwheels and doing
stretches now, and that's a good thing. Jacob went to his first
basketball practice of the season this past week, and is looking
forward to playing at Calvary Christian Church like he has for
the past two years. Sue and I confer on our schedules almost
daily now as we try to stay on top of what's happening, but and
we're haing fun (so far). We have asked each other a couple of
times how we're going to handle things when Stephen and Kevin
get old enough to do these things -- double the fun! Oh, yeah,
Jacob has a band concert coming up next Tuesday, which should be
an enjoyable evening of music. We're having a blast, but please
pray that things continue to go well as we blaze along.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Fall is the time for fairs

We survived the hurricane season and have now moved in to Fall
here in Georgia. With the change in season comes all the fall
fairs, which are fun to go to. Last weekend we went to the
North Georgia State Fair in Marietta, Georgia, and had a good
time. Jacob, Megan, and Kevin got to hold a snake, but Stephen
wouldn't get near the thing! Today Sue and the kids went to the
Pleasant Grove Fall Carnival and had a lot of fun with the
Mcbrayer boys.

Hope everything is going good with you, and you are enjoying the
change of season. I know that if you pass through the Atlanta
area you're probably on your way somewhere else, but keep us in
mind as you barrel through our part of the country! (But if you
do, don't bother to tell us you didn't have time to stop or call
-- we've been passed by so many times it just dredges up hard
feelings and frustration when we hear someone new say it.)

Hope you're getting ready for the holiday season -- it'll be
here before you know it!