As the efforts to slow the spread of this "new" virus infecting humans continue we are handling things well. Sue continues to interpret for clients, Kevin is doing online high school for the end of his senior year, Stephen is doing online classes at LeeU, and I am on another weird schedule the FAA has come up with to minimize the impact of one of our controllers testing positive for the corona virus. (I think my schedule is just a plot to make the senior guys like me work all evenings and weekends :-)
Life is good. We continue to look for ways to help people. It's fun to see everyone finally embracing online things and ways of doing business and church the way I've suggested for years. And it's fun to watch everyone at work scramble to use the online tools that I've been encouraging all along despite them poo-pooing my suggestions.
I'm looking forward to when we come out of this time of panic into a more normal life and the absolute statements of "never again" and "we'll always" lessen. The strident commentary is sad and disappointing knowing that as Americans and humans we've survived stuff like this before and we'll overcome this new variable in our lives.
And I'm looking forward to seeing how people take the new opportunities that are being presented as a chance to grow and adapt. Good stuff ahead!