Well, this was a pretty tough week for us here in McDonough, with high points as well as not so high points. Jacob went with to work with me for "Take Your Child to Work" Day on Tuesday and had a good time with the presentations and static displays. We left around 12:45pm to go get some lunch and got hit by another car as we left the Service Center parking lot! Nobody was hurt, but the driver-side doors on my van were all messed up. The other guy's insurance has accepted liability, so now it's just a matter of going through the hassle of the repairs. After we finished with the police I rushed to the dentist to have my gum surgery done, and have been enduring the healing process since then. As I was driving home wondering why I had the surgery done (it hurt) Sue called and told me that someone had tried to break in to the house right after Megan got home. Megan had seen who it was, so we called the police to report it. The police latched on to Megan's "pretty sure it was him" and went to talk with the boy Megan thought it was. When they learned that it couldn't have been him they discounted the story, but promised to increase their patrols in our neighborhood. That was Tuesday. Wednesday I learned in passing conversation that my new nephew has a hole in his heart, but was assured that it's not a big deal and perfectly normal for big babies to have this condition. My brother and his family are considering moving to Springfield, OR, where he would be the plant manager of a charcoal-producing plan out there - we'll see what the Lord makes happen there. Sue is all studied up to take her big national certification test tomorrow, so we figure all this other stuff is just the devil trying to distract us from what the Lord is doing in our lives. We're determined to keep pressing on through the challenges to see what our next adventure is.
If you get a chance check with Sue to see how she did on the test. We hope things are good for you...