Thursday, August 03, 2006

Good day at Indian Springs

We went to Indian Springs in Jackson, GA, today to swim and picninc. It was nice, though we were concerned when we got there and there was no parking and people everywhere. They were having some community meeting with the electric company and everyone from that cleared out around noon.

We met Marion Lawson and her sons there, and everyone had a good time catching up on what's been happening over the summer. She had forgoten about swimming, so the boys had to wear their jeans in the water, but they did it. The lake was nice, with warm water and a sandy beach. The kids enjoyed swimming and playing, and being outside.

Before we left we stopped at the spring and had a glass of water. It's supposed to be ultra-healthy sulphur water, and tasted like boiled eggs. None of the kids liked it, and it was even a little strong for me, even though I grew up drinking water that had a hint of sulphur in it.

It was a good day, and a great way to end the summer.