Sunday, August 28, 2005

Tommy in fight; starting to perk back up

Somehow Tommy got out of the house without us knowing it last week. When we got home he was standing on the driveway waiting for us. We noticed later that he had some cuts and a puncture wound on his neck; it looked as if a pit bull or similar dog had grabbed him by the neck in a fight. He seemed scared of everything, especially of going outside, and was laying down a lot.

After watching him lay around for a couple of days Sue took him to the vet and found out his wounds were filling with puss and blood. The vet drained the wounds and gave him a shot of penicillin (sp?).

Sue's been keeping the wounds clean and drained for the past few days, and he seems to be doing better. His tail is up again and doesn't seem so scared when we take him outside. Hopefully he'll heal up and be OK...