Sunday, June 30, 2024

Rumpus room usable

Our rumpus room is back to a useful state. Still need to get some doors and finish up some trim but it's now usable. Woohoo!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Something To Stand For movie was great!

I got an email about this movie and told Sue that I wanted to see it. We went to the theater last night and saw it and it was amazing! Mike Rowe did a great job telling stories of American heroes that people may not have heard about, and the production was great! I highly recommend it. Get more info at

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Fun seeing Jacob!

We had a good time with our oldest son when he came to visit this weekend. We caught up on what's been happening, shared about our travels, and enjoyed watching the dogs play. Fun!

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Happy birthday, Grace!

Our granddaughter Grace turned 3 years old today - woohoo! She's so much fun to watch and play with when we get to be with her. 

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Great Mediterranean cruise

We had a great trip to Europe for a Mediterranean cruise! We planned this thing for almost a year and everything went great. 

We flew to Barcelona and stayed in a hotel for a couple of nights. While there we rode the hop-on/hop-off bus around the city, had lunch at Port Vell, saw La Sagrada Familia, and enjoyed eating tapas at outdoor restaurants. The we got on a boat and saw Palma de Mallorca, Florence and Pisa, Rome, Naples, Amalfi, and Pompeii. 

It was amazing to walk on the cobblestone roads that were first laid out by the Greeks and the Roman Empire and to see so many of the things I've only read about or seen on a screen. 

What an adventure!