Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Happy birthday, Sue!

Today Sue celebrates another birthday!  It's a big one, but I'm not at liberty to say which one it is :-) 

Be sure and let her know how special she is if you get a chance! 

Friday, January 02, 2015

Happy New Year!

We had a great year, and 2015 looks like it will be even better!  Lots of things happening with us: Jacob is doing great managing a Jimmy John's in Atlanta, Megan has big plans for the fall, Stephen is doing well in 10th grade, and Kevin is doing great in 7th grade.  Sue's career is going great as she continues to interpret for the deaf and hard of hearing in several settings around metro Atlanta, and I continue my career with FAA as I near the time of retirement from one career and seek another one. 

We are truly blessed and thankful, and hope you are doing great, too!  Look for more on Facebook and other social media channels, and I will continue to post here as long as they let me.  We'd love to hear from you!