Saturday, August 31, 2013

Busy, busy...

Life keeps rolling along at our house.  Sue is running around working, helping Anne, and taking care of me and the kids.  I am working, traveling a little, and doing my thing.  Stephen and Kevin are back in to the swing of the school year.  Megan is back in college and doing well.  And Jacob moved to Atlanta and is busy with his life.  Ah, life is good...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Anne is back at her home

After the long ordeal of recovering from a stroke she is finally back in her apartment.  She blames Sue and I for the whole thing and is very angry about everything that has happened, which is understandable.  It's tough when someone you've helped treats you the way she is treating us but we know that we are doing the right thing in helping her.  Pray that Anne does what she is supposed to do to stay healthy and not fall back in to the bad habits she had that led to her having to go to the hospital in the first place.