Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy earth day!

We're celebrating earth day with an outdoor fire and grilled steaks!  Hope your celebration is as great as this and that you are doing well. 

Friday, April 05, 2013

Spring break at our house

So Sue took Paula, Stephen, and Kevin to Iowa to visit with Dan and Lori, which went really well.  Then they drove south to visit with Sey and Ana as well as Taylor and Libby, which went really well.  Along the way they stopped and saw the Parthenon in Nashville, went on the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, and ate barbecue in Kansas City.  What a great trip!  I'm looking forward to having them back home so the house isn't so quiet...

Jacob, Megan, Jojo, and I have had a busy but quiet week with lots of work, homework, walking, and sleeping going on.  Sounds boring but that's our day-to-day life. Oh, well...