Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

We hope you have a wonderful celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ today! 

Sue is enjoying being with Dan and Lori in Iowa while me and the older kids are getting with my brother and his family.  Fun stuff! 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Busy time at our house

Man, keeping up with everybody's activities is challenging this time of year.  Paula in soccer, Megan in school and working, Jacob in school and working 2 jobs, Stephen and Kevin in school, youth, karate, and all the other things they do, and Sue and I pursuing our careers keeps up hopping.  It's a lot of fun, but very tiring. 

The kids are excited about the upcoming spring break trip, but I will be working so can't go.  Pray for everyone's safety as we hurtle through the excitement of life!