Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We hope that you have a great and merry Christmas celebration and are prosperous in 2013!  Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts - we are all doing well.  Sue is gearing up for a mission trip to Nicaragua in June 2013, Jacob is planning on finishing up his Bachelor's degree in Psychology, Megan will continue to go to college and work at Camp Maranatha again next summer, Paula will be with us until the end of May, Stephen hopes to continue to play soccer and sing, and Kevin will hopefully earn his black belt in karate.  Lots going on with us - give us a call or email or skype or something just to say "Hey!" 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Happy Holly-days!

We're rushing through the holiday season!  The Cmas shop at SCC happened today with no issues, which is awesome, the kids are out of college and laying around the house like a couple of bums, and the other kids are hurrying through end-of-semester projects, tests, and activities along with parties, outings, and all sorts of things.  I took a week off of work just to chill, which worked out well, and everything seems to be coming together for another wonderful Christmas.  Woohoo!  Hope things are well you and yours - catch us on Facebook or send an email and let us know what's going on with you!