Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Holly-days!

We had a good but different Thanksgiving - Sue and the kids went to Florida to celebrate with our family (thanks, Mom and Dad, Chris and Erica, and everyone else!), while I stayed home to work. We had a Thanksgiving-style feast when they got back on Saturday, and had lots of fun with our friends that came over to celebrate with us. It was neat - they had gone to Japan for a few days and our feast was their Thanksgiving dinner! We decorated for Christmas today - the tree is up, manger scenes and lights are all over the place, and Stephen, Kevin, and I put up lights on the porch and in the front yard. We're still hoping to put out a nice manger scene in the front yard, but haven't found or made the right one yet. Hopefully we'll get it done this year :-) Hope you're enjoying the holly-days as much as we are! Drop us a line, give us a call, or stop by and see us - we'd love it!

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Happy birthday, Megan!

Our daughter turns 18 today! She is doing so well with everything, from school to leadership in church to friends to family, it's awesome to see her develop in to the fine young woman she is! Way to go, Megan!

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Staying busy, having fun

Sue and I are running around doing lots of stuff with the kids. We took Stephen and Kevin to the county fair a couple of weeks ago (the picture above :-), went to football games, a campout, shopping, working, reading, and doing all the fun stuff that we do to keep our family going. Whew!