Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jacob!

Our oldest child turns 18 today - woohoo!  Jacob is a fine young man and is doing well with life.  He's graduating from high school next week, all set to go to college in the fall, and having lots of fun with life.  We love you, son! 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Life is good but busy

Wow, we're less than two weeks from the end of the school year and in full forward motion! Jacob's graduation, Stephen moving up to middle school, Megan and Kevin and their stuff, awards ceremonies, Cub Scouts AND Boy Scouts, birthdays, and Sue and Megan preparing for a mission trip to Nicaragua - whew! We seem to be keeping up with everything, but it sure seems hectic, too :-) Hope things are good with you!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Stephen!

Today our aon Stephen turns 11!  He's doing so good in school, scouts, and life.  Woohoo!