Today our first child turns 17 years old! He's doing great in school, leading in band and scouts, and has a bright future ahead of him. I'm extremely proud of his accomplishments so far and look forward to the things he will do in the future!
Whew! Sometimes I wonder when we are supposed to stop and smell the roses... Jacob went on a campout with the Troop, Megan spent the night at a friend's house then went to a play Saturday night, Sue and I had a "Fireproof" party with some of the deaf people from church last night, and tonight we are at the older kids' high school band concert. All through this Sue and I are suffering through sickness hoping we don't spread it to the kids or our friends and wishing we were in the bed under the covers.
Oh, well, we're now in the last two weeks of school, just before our vacation, and training is cranking up at work. Whee!
Stephen is 10 years old today! He's getting so big! And doing really well in school and at church. We had a party for him Saturday, but will be opening our presents with him this afternoon. Happy Birthday, son!
This month is crazy busy with two high school kids pulling in different directions as well as two birthdays. We celebrated Stephen's birthday today by going with him and a friend to see the new Star Trek movie (it was great!). My parents came up for the weekend, which helps make it extra special. We're planning our drive west to the Grand Canyon this summer and trying to fit in award ceremonies and friends' graduation parties all through the month. Sue loves all the activity, but I have to admit I get a little crabby about it :-) Life is good!