Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sue passed the CI!

She got the results late last night off the RID website, so it was a nice "present" for her birthday. She now has two national certifications with the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID): her Certificate of Transliterating (CT) and now her Certificate of Interpreting (CI). This is a major accomplishment, and something I am extremely proud of her for. Good job, Sue!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday, Sue!

Today Sue celebrates another birthday - woohoo! She has a busy day planned: Helping Megan with an FCA meeting, working an assignment at a local college, receiving our new dryer (no, that's not her birthday present :-), and then spending the evening with me and the kids. She's a busy woman, but she's also really special! I love you, Susan Holly!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Jacob's Eagle Ceremony

Well, my oldest son was honored tonight at Troop 165's first Eagle ceremony. His Scoutmaster Doug Clemens and Doug's wife Tammy did a whole lot to make it a success, and it showed. All the congratulatory letters from dignitaries around the country, the decorations, the people invited, and all the coordination was a lot of hard work, and Susan and I greatly appreciate it. We're extremely proud of our son, as are many other people, and we look forward to all that Jacob will do in the future. Good job, Jacob!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year!

We rang in 2009 at home - Jacob was at a friend's house, and Sue and the other kids all watched Pirates of the Caribbean until 11:47pm, then came up to see the peach drop on TV. It was a fun and relaxing evening!

We hope 2009 finds you ready for more excitement than ever, and that you will be blessed as much or more than in 2008!