Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here's hoping you take some time to be thankful for all the blessings God has given you in your life and all of us in our lives here on Earth. I am extremely thankful for the life He has given me, for the family he has made me a part of (both physical AND spiritual), and for all the really cool things He has let me do over the years (including working for the FAA in all the roles I've had with them). Give us a call if you get the chance...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

'Going Steady' Anniversary

Today Sue and I celebrate 26 years of 'going steady' - woohoo! I asked her and gave her my class ring so she could wear it, and our relationship has continued to grow and grow over the years. Pretty cool, huh?

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Happy Birthday, Megan!

My beautiful daughter turns 15 today! Woohoo! We're going to have a celebration with the family, then have a party for her sometime next week. She's chomping at the bit to get her Learner's permit so she can start driving us around, which should be pretty exciting. Let the fun begin!