Friday, August 29, 2008

Fun family night

We've been running in all directions for a few weeks, so I told everyone we were to have a family night tonight. We went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant, then went to a couple of stores we haven't been to before, then went home and had a fire on the driveway in my brand new firepit (thank you, Sue!) we all had fun talking and joking around, and it was good just to be together and not on the run. Life is good!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!

My father turned 70 years old today! We drove down last night and surprised him with a visit. I'm glad we were there - I've been there for his 50th, 60th, and now his 70th birthdays. He had planned to go to a couple funerals, but our arrival changed his plans dramatically :-) We aving a good day with him, and are taking him for mexican food for dinner tonight.

We love you, Pop!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Back to school!

Well, Sue and the kids have been in the "back to school" routine now for a week, and things are going good. Jacob and Megan's band involvement is going well, and Sue has worked a carpooling thing with another family. Sue is the Special Events Coordinator for PTO, so she is keeping busy with that, her interpreting, her "Sisters in the Spirit" group, and all the other things she does. I'm just doing the work thing, getting ready for some travel in the next couple of months. The 2008-2009 school year is well under way here! Hope things are going good for you...