Friday, July 25, 2008

Good time at Six Flags today

Stephen and Kevin had read enough during the school year to earn free tickets to Six Flags, but due to all the things happening we couldn't take them until today. So Sue and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary by going to Six Flags! It was fun being with the boys - Stephen wasn't quite big enough to ride the big rides, but we were all able to ride stuff like the Mindbender, the Scream Machine, and other stuff. The boys really enjoyed Skull Island, and we even got to ride the carousel (something I don't forsee doing very often in the future :-) It was a fun day, and we were all tired when we got home. Happy Anniversary, baby!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Good vacation on Hilton Head Island

We had a great time there this past week. We had a condo on the 4th floor with a view of the ocean, which was nice to wake up to each morning. We had fun on the beach every day, and did some of the special events you can do in Hilton Head: ate at Hudson's, saw the Shannon Tayler show and the fireworks Tuesday night, enjoyed the pool and played putt-putt golf on Wednesday, hung out with Lori and Andrea on Thursday, went for a nighttime walk on the beach with glowsticks, picked up Sue's brother and nephew at the Savannah airport, then spent the day in Savannah, then packed everything up and came home.

We had a great time, and will try to go back to Hilton Head island sometime in the future.

Friday, July 11, 2008

We had a great time at our church's Summer Camp/VBS this week. Sue and Megan helped with the kids, Jacob did the technology stuff, I helped with moving people around and being an extra set of hands and feet, and Stephen and Kevin did their part as kids. It was a regular "family affair"!

Thank you, Lisa Bates, for letting us help this way!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Good visit with Michael and Claudia

We were glad to have Michael and Claudia at our house for the 4th of July. It was great to see and hear the boys playing together, and lots of fun to meet and hold our newest nephew Benjamin. We had fun hanging out at the house, eating burritos, making t-shirts (the ones we are wearing in the picture :-), and holding our own "showers of sparks" fireworks display for the 4th.

They left this morning to go down and spend the week with my parents and Claudia's mother. They head west to Oregon next month for Michael's new position as Plant Manager of the Kingsford Charcoal plant out there, so it may be a while before we see them again. Hopefully we'll be able to use the Internet to keep up with each other...

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Fun at Stone Mountain

Michael and Claudia were going to come to our house first, but due to travelling with a baby they were running behind their timeline. We met them at Stone Mountain with food and drink and spent the afternoon and evening on the lawn waiting for the lasershow. The boys had fun playing with their Ben 10 and Pokemon stuff and then tossing the football. We enjoyed getting to meet our newest nephew and catching up with Michael and Claudia. It will probably be a while before we see them again since they move to Oregon next month. Oh, well - hope you have a great 4th of July. Remember that when you see fireworks you are seeing what we Americans like to do for fun :-)