Friday, October 19, 2007

Hectic evening

Tonight is one of those nights Sue and I knew would happen someday, and now we realize it will be happening more and more as the kids get older. Jacob is at the away game with the band, Megan has a middle-school band concert, and Stepehn and Kevin have the Fall Festival at their school. On top of that Sue, as a PTO officer, has helped organize and set up as well as has to work the Fall Festival! So we divide and conquer - she's got the little boys with her, I'm at the concert with Megan and a video camera, and Jacob is out there in the stands or on a bus. Whee!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Good Cub Scout campout this weekend

We all went to Spook-o-ree this weekend. It was a lot of fun camping
with the Cub Scouts, and I learned a lot from Richard and Robert on
how to do all the little things that have to be done by the Cubmaster.
The boys all seemed to enjoy it, and the none of the parents grumbled
or anything so I think it went well. It was lots of fun!

Monday, October 01, 2007

Great cruise to Hawaii

Well, we left the kids with my parents and went on a cruise to Hawaii the past two weeks! Sue "hired on" as an interpreter for a deaf group, and I got to go along and handle her baggage :-)

After flying to Vancouver, BC, we spent five days at sea, then went to the Big Island, Kauai, Maui, and Oahu. It was an awesome trip! We made lots of new friends and saw many great sites. Check back for a link to some pictures and stories in the next few weeks. Aloha!

Click here to see some highlight pictures!