Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Birthday, Kevin!

Today Kevin turns 6 years old! Wow! We've inviited some of his friends over for a party at 9:30am (don't ask :-) and are looking forward to an exciting day of playing with Hot Wheels, pirate ships, and all sorts of stuff. Woohoo!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Rainy summer night

I'm sitting out on my front porch listening to the rain fall and run through the gutters tonight. So often I don't stop long enough to do these kind of things, so I chose to come out here rather than sit on the couch and watch TV.

I hope the end of summer finds you rested and excited to back in the school routine, even if you aren't going to school or don't have kids in school. Take time to relax and enjoy life!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Happy Birthday to me and others!

Today we are celebrating my birthday - woohoo! But we also want to wish some friends and family a happy birthday, too: our nephew Robert Emery, and friends Brenda Waldner and Pam Coffey! We hope you all have a joyous celebration and wish you many more!

My parents are in town, so we're all going to go eat mexican food tonight and just chill out after that. I took the day off from work and have spent the installing my Dad's new XM radio and talking with my mother. What a nice, relaxing day...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dad!

My father celebrates his 69th birthday today! He's got a busy day planned, running around town with my mom and ending the day with a six-hour drive to come see us. Happy birthday, Pop!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

First day of school

Well, even though summer isn't really over the kids go back to school this week. We've cut it down to three schools, which is better than last year, but now Sue is struggling with what she's going to do with all her newly-freed-up time. She'll be working a couple of days a week, and I'm hoping she starts working on her next national rating for interpreting. I am busily learning everything I can at work, and enjoying most of it :-) Hope you are having or had a good summer!

Congratulations, Cathleen!

It's official - Sue's good friend Cathleen has earned her college degree! She's worked hard at it for quite some time, doing stuff on the computer and learning all sorts of new things, all while working, and having a family. Way to go, Cathleen!

Happy Birthday, Karen!

Yesterday Sue's friend Karen Williams celebrated her birthday! Hope you had a good time, Karen!