Saturday, June 30, 2007

Blue moon

Today is a "blue moon" day. That means the second full moon in the same month occurred. We did something that we haven't done in a while: We had people over to our house! We had a good time hosting our LifeGroup for the evening, and everyone else seemed to enjoy it.

We hope you got to do something you do "once in a blue moon". The next one won't be until December of 2009 - I don't think we'll wait that long to have people over again, but we'll see...

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sue took the kids to FL

She had a good time taking them to my parent's house so they could spend the week there. She spent a couple of days and got to take them to the beach so they could play in the sand and play putt-putt, and she got to eat dinner with her friend Karen. She left Megan, Stephen, and Kevin there for a few extra days and went to pick them up today. They all came back saying they had a great time with their grandparents, which is a good thing :-)

Friday, June 01, 2007

Last day of school!

Woohoo! It's the last day of school for this year! The kids are excited about summer - camps, laying around, and fun stuff for everyone! Hopefully we won't get too busy with all our "relaxation" and tire ourselves out. We'll see!