Monday, May 28, 2007

Good visit with Mom Emery

After visiting with the Hatch's at Meagan's graduation we drove down to Penney Farms to spend a couple of days with Sue's mother. We had a good time -- we swam, played games (especially chinese checkers), and did puzzles. Mom Emery is doing good - thanks for having us, Mom!

We then drove back home through the Memorial Day traffic on Monday. It really wasn't bad at all - we made good time and never got bogged down in traffic. But it was nice to get home and sleep in our own beds :-)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Congratulations on graduating, Meagan Hatch!

We went down to St. Mary's, Georgia, to see the daughter of one of Sue's good friends graduate from high school. The girl did a great job, and is excited to be done with that phase of her life and to be getting in to "adulthood". Her parents Tim and Cathleen were very proud of her, and threw a party for friends and family on Saturday for her. It was lots of fun!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy Birthday. Jacob!

Today our eldest turned 15 years old, which is pretty cool. Lots of his friends at church signed a big birthday car (thank you, Megan, for getting that :-), and he came home and spent some of the afternoon studying for the big exams in his classes this week. He opened is gifts around 5:00pm, then we took him to diner at a new mexican restaraunt in the area (it was really good). The ladies there were awesome - they sang "Happy Birthday" to him, stuck a sombrero on his head, and pied him with whipped cream - then toolk a picture! We came home and relaxed, had some cake, and then went to bed. Hopefully we can go get his learner's permit in Junee and start teaching him how to drive! Woohoo!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

We went to an Atlanta Silverbacks game

Stephen & Kevin's soccer league had tickets to go to an Atlanta Silverbacks game as a group, so we all drove to the soccer stadium in Chamblee to go to the game. It was neat - the players were all very good, our seats were closeand the game kept everyone focused on the action. I was disappointed to see the players get into a fight at one point in the first half, but the rest of game was a lot of fun to watch. The announcer called out all the groups there, and ours was the loudest :-) It was a fun night!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy birthday, Stephen!

My son Stephen turned 8 today. He was very excited when he woke up, and we're going to grill hot dogs and hamburgers and have a fun evening. We're planning on taking him and some friends to see Shrek 3 when it opens. Happy birthday, son!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Good dinner with Michael at ATL

My brother flew from MD for some training with Clorox today, so we met him in the Atrium for dinner. It was good to sit and spend an hour or so talking and hanging out. He hand-delivered birthday presents for Stephen and Jacob, which they thoroughly enjoyed. When we were done we took pictures, gave hiugs, and pointed him toward the rental car places so he could go to his hotel get some rest. It was very nice to see him :-)

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Spiderman 3 was awesome!

We did one of those things that we seldom do this weekend: we went to a movie on the weekend it opens! The special effects were awesome and the story was good. Sue felt like the violence was a little too much, but... Anyways, we enjoyed the flick. Go see it if you get the chance!