Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

We hope everyone is enjoying the celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead this Easter. I was able to get the day off, and fixed pancakes for everyone before they went to church. Stephen is sick, so I had to stay home with him, but at least the rest of the family got to do their thing at church and help make the celebration good. We're planning on just relaxing this afternoon, and getting back into the normal routine now that spring break is over. We hope you're having a great day wherever you are!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mom Emery!

Mom Emery is 78 years old today! Happy Birthday!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Happy Birthday, Megan M!

Today is Megan M's birthday. She's one of our friends from church, and we think of her as part of the family. We hope she has a great day!

Good quick trip to FL

We made a quick run down to my parents' house in FL for Spring Break after the mid on Monday. We spent the afternoon with Mark and Mary and Sue's mom in Ocala, then went to my parents house. We got to spend some time with my brother and his family, and my mom had a big dinner with my aunt and cousins coming out to visit. It was great! I took a couple of hours to hang a ceiling fan for my parents, and the kids all had a great time running around the property playing and having fun. We came back so I could go to work on Thursday afternoon. It was a good trip!