Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Spring is in full swing in Georgia

It's always funny every year until the pine starts blooming - people
walking around sneezing and complaining about the pollen, yellow swirls
behind us as we drive down streets, and reports that the pollen count is
over 1000 for the day (over 100 is concsidered extremely high :-) But
the blooms are so beautiful - the pretty dogwoods and pear trees, the
azelias (sp?) as they start blooming, and all the flox, heather, and
pansies going crazy with the warm weather and sunshine. Ah, spring! I
love this time of year in Georgia! We hope you're enjoying the season
wherever you are!

(The picture is of a big dogwood in our back yard. It's beautiful!)

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Had to put down Tommy today

We made a sad trip to the vet with our dog Tommy today. He's been sick for about a month, not eating much and not drinking a whole lot. He's had a lot of pain in his hind quarters, and got to where he didn't even try to get up and walk outside anymore. We discussed it with our kids to make sure they understood and took him to the vet today and had him put to sleep. We'll miss him a lot - he's been a part of our family for about 11 years. I know that I'm going to miss him.