Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Decorating for Cmas

Sue couldn't wait any longer, so we broke out the Christmas tree and
decorations and started decorating! Whee! The kids did a lot of the
work, and Stephen and Kevin had lots of fun pulling stuff out and asking
lots of questions. We had a great time getting in the holiday spirit!

Friday, November 24, 2006

Stone Mtn at Christmas time

Now that Thanksgiving is over the Christmas season has begun! We took the whole family out to Stone Mountain to walk around, see the lights, and watch the laser show. The crowds were huge, but everyone seemed to be having a good time. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

We're celebrating Thanksgiving at our house again this year. Originally it was due to my having to work Thanksgiving Day and all weekend following it, but now it's to stay close to my doctor's office in case something strange happens. My parents and Sue's mother are here, and my brother and his family will be here sometime today. Woohoo!

We hope you are having a great time doing whatever you're doing for the holiday, and wish you all the best! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Trip to the Georgia Aquarium

We had a great visit to the Georgia Aquarium with Mom and Dad today. It wasn't crowded at all, so we were able to visit each of the sections without any trouble. The food wasn't too outrageously priced, but we didn't eat a whole lot, either :-) They did the whole thing right, and we really enjoyed the experience. We ended the day with a dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory, which was delicious. It was a good day!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Happy Birthday, Megan!

Today is Megan's 13th birthday! Now she's officially a teenager! And we now have two of them in our house! We had a party Saturday night where a bunch of her friends came and played volleyball and other games with us, and Megan's grandparents MiiMii and PopPop came up in a surprise visit, which made the actual day special. We had a nice dinner to celebrate and opened gifts after dinner - it was fun! Happy birthday, baby!