Saturday, May 20, 2006

Working the Gernium Festival

Jacob and I went to help fry vegetables with his Boy Scout troop today.
This is their only fundraiser throughout the year, and they make enough
to fund the troop's activities for the whole year. We fried green
tomatoes, cauliflour, sweet potatoes, and onion rings. It was hot work,
but everyone did a good job.

Happy Birthday, Jacob!

Today is Jacob's 14th birthday! We're celebrating it on the run, doing
soccer this morning, working with the Scouts at the Geranium Festival in
McDonouigh, and then a basketball party with his friends at the church.
What a day!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Visit from Dan

We had a special treat this evening - Sue's brother Dan dropped by for a
quick visit! It was a good surprise - he called around 5:30pm and said
he had a little while and could come by. We had some pizza and caught
up on all the things happening in our families' lives. It was very nice
of him to take some time out to see us!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Happy Birthday, Stephen!

Today is Stephen's 7th birthday! We had a good party for him the other
day, and today he's taking cookies for his class. Tonight we'll have a
nice family celebration at home and he'll open presents. Woohoo!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Stephen's Star Wars Birthday Party

We had a Star Wars birthday party for Stephen tonight! It was fun -
everyone got a foam lightsaber and had to go a Jedi training adventure
to the planet Dagobah (our woods in the back yard), then fight Darth
Vader (Jacob). We had personal pizzas, cake, and candy for the kids,
and everyone had a good time!