Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy Birthday, Sue!

Today is Sue's birthday! She is ?? Years old, and is doing great! We
had a good time hanging out today, having a picnic at the Monastery and
having fun with the kids when they got home from school. I took leave
from work and am grilling salmon for dinner. All in all a pretty good
day (though a little quiet for Sue :-)

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Skate Night in McDonough

We had a good time skating tonight. It was Stephen's school's skate
night at the local rink, and we were actually able to go this time. All
six of us skated, with only a few falls :-) It was fun!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!

We had a great time ringing in 2006 with my parents in Florida tonight.
My brother and his family joined us to eat tacos, shot fireworks, watch
Dick Clark, and then bang pans in the driveway to celebrate the new
year. It was great to have them - they live in California and we don't
get to see them very often.

We hope 2006 finds you well and ready for the exciting times ahead.
Happy New Year!