Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sue won a Cmas tree!

Sue entered a raffle at the play Megan was in and won! The Christmas
tree is beautiful, with peppermint ribbons and red and white stuff
everywhere. Sue said she was watching the woman when she was putting it
up last week and offered to help, but the woman said no. Sue was
thinking to herself today that she was exhausted but really wanted to
put the tree up, and then she found out she had won this tree she had
admired all week! Woohoo!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are happy to have Sue's sister Nancy, her daughter Taylor, Taylor's friend Nedeska, Sue's brother Mark, Sue's mom, and my parents at our house for the holiday. We've had a good time sharing family memories and catching up on what's been happening in our lives even as Megan's play practices occupy her and Sue every night. We're all looking forward to the show this weekend!

We hope you are having a good Thanksgiving week. Enjoy the holiday and count all your blessings!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Happy Birthday, Megan!

Megan turns 12 years old today! Wow! She is really doing well in school, getting A's and B's in everything, and is really enjoying the preparations for the "Best Christmas Pageant Ever" play with the Henry Players. Way to go, Megan!