Friday, July 29, 2005

We went to Six Flags today!

As our last hurrah before school starts Monday Sue and I took Jacob,
Megan, and Stephen to Six Flags today. We also took our friends Kara,
Courtney, and Andrew Smith. Megan, Stephen, and Andrew got in free
because they read for more than 600 minutes during the last school year,
and we took the others just because we love them :-) Sue rode the
Batman ride and I got to ride the Superman ride, with others in
between. It was a fun day!

Monday, July 25, 2005

Happy Anniversary to us!

Today is our 18th wedding anniversary. We have had a great time
celebrating today and look forward to what the Lord has in store for us
in the future!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

We had a great vacation!

We travelled to the great state of Alaska for our summer vacation this
year and had a great time! It was cool, the weather was great, and we
saw mountains, animals, and lots of countryside. I should have our
daily blog entries up by the end of the week and pictures shortly
thereafter. Check back soon...

Sunday, July 03, 2005

7/3/05 - Alaska trip underway!

7/3/05 - We got off to good start - left the house at 8:00am for our
11:35am flight. Stephen and Kevin kept talking about the airplanes
"blasting off", and all the kids enjoyed the first plane ride to MSP.

The flight from MSP to Anchorage was long, but everyone did good. Kevin took a nap, everyone read and played Gameboys and we oooh'd and aah'd when we saw Alaska from 34,000 feet.

We made it to the motel just fine, found some ice cream nearby, then fell asleep while it was still light outside ( at 10:00pm!).