Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Sue's sister is divorcing her husband

We have sad news: Sue's sister Nancy has chosen to divorce her husband of 29 years. We ask that you pray for the situation as they go through the painful process of severing their life together. Sue and I are saddened by the situation, and we will weather this as a family.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Happy Easter!

Well, we are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ this weekend, and wish everyone a Happy Easter! Sue and the kids put on an Easter Egg Hunt at our house for the kids in our neighborhood, and I took the kids to our church's Easter Egg Hunt today while Sue went to a funeral. We're going to color eggs tonight and have a good time at worship tomorrow! Hopefully everything will go well - I put together a video clip for the service, so it'll be interesting to see how it is received. Hope this Easter finds you doing well and enjoying life!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Life is busy but good

We're doing pretty well here in Georgia. Sue is busy with play practice two or three nights a week, Jacob and Megan are keeping us running around with their activities, and work is keeping me busy all day every day. But we're doing good. Hope you are too!