Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

We're ringing in the New Year with my brother and his family in MD this year. We've been enjoying just hanging out with them, letting the boys play and generally loafing around all day. It's a lot of fun!

We hope you and yours have a fun and safe celebration and a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2008!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Ice skating in Atlanta

We went downtown to the annual ice skating rink with the Campbells tonight - it was lots of fun! We ate dinner at the Varsity, and even though the prices have gone up it was still good fast food. The ice skating rink was full of people slipping and sliding around in a big oval, so it was fun it was cool to look around and see CNN, the World of Coke, and the Omni hotel all around the park. It was great to catch up with Doug and Roberta, and see the Stephen and Kevin playing with the Campbell boys. Woohoo!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We have enjoyed the whole season, and are having a great time celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior. The season brought many fun events: I went to a play with the people in my office (thank you, Mary!), Sue enjoyed the annual party at the MacBrayers, we heard Christmas concerts, and we had a great time decorating and looking at other people's Christmas decorations. My parents came up to celebrate with us (woohoo!), so we enjoyed spending today together, going to the Cmas Eve service at Harvest Point, watching "A Christmas Carol", and opening a gift before bedtime. We're looking forward to a fun morning, then maybe a nap, and then making and eating tacos (our traditional Cmas meal :-).

We wish you a Merry Christmas wherever you are, and hope you see the true meaning of this wonderful season when you see the baby in the manger in the many nativity scenes you come across.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Christmas Season in full swing!

We are going fast and furious with the fun of Christmas, doing stuff all the time and shopping in preparation for the traditional gift-giving that happens. We had a good Pinewood Derby in Cub Scouts this past Friday night, and as Sue and the other kids are ready for Return to Bethlehem at our church Jacob is getting ready for a Boy Scout campout (I'm the dud again - I'll be working on the basement :-) Hope you're enjoying this year's celebration of the birth of Jesus!